合格体験記 / ニューヨーク大学スターン・スクール・オブ・ビジネス / NYU Stern School of Business / Student A



・投稿者(ペンネームorイニシャル):Stern Student A
・進学予定校:New York University Stern

・カテゴリ: MBA
・地域: アメリカ
・受験校:HBS, Wharton, Haas, Columbia, NYU Stern
・インタビュー実施校:NYU Stern
・合格校:NYU Stern

・性別:  女性
・出願時年齢: 25歳以下
・海外経験と期間: US: 10 years total (high school, college); Other countries: 4 years total
・費用: 私費
・奨学金: 取得済み


・受験した試験と出願スコア: GMAT:740 (V-42/Q-48/IR-8/AWA-6)
・塾(試験対策):Adam Raichel tutoring
・カウンセラー:MBA Mission (Debbie Choy)


Q. バックグラウンドや職務経験などについて、教えてください。
I moved fourteen times growing up, and attended international school while living in Tokyo. I attended high school and college in the states, and majored in political economy. I returned to Tokyo to work in investment banking after graduation. I was an analyst for a little over two years before deciding to apply to MBA programs.

Why MBA?

My two main motivations were: a. transitioning out of the financial services sector and b. experience working in the U.S. I thought an MBA program would be a unique opportunity to network with people from many different industries. Being based in New York would also offer chances outside the classroom to engage in company visits as well as internships. Using OPT, I would also be able to work stateside.

Preparation for MBA application


October 2015:
Explored different counselors (looked at MBA Exchange, MBA Mission, and Stacy Blackman – all U.S. based firms) as well as GMAT test prep (Kaplan, Manhattan Prep, Adam Raichel private tutoring). Ended up going with MBA Mission and Adam Raichel’s online Skype tutoring. Began GMAT test prep.

November 2015:
Work with MBA Mission with the five school package. Submit first draft of essays, etc.
11/19: Took first GMAT test, cancelled scores

December 2015:
Continue working on essay drafts…
Meet with alumni from different schools
12/21: Took second GMAT test, kept scores

January 2016:
Submitted all essays
1/6: Took third GMAT test, kept scores (these were the highest scores out of my three sittings)

February 2016:
2/19: Invitation to interview with Stern in March
Continue speaking with different Stern alumni

March 2016:
3/10: Stern interview
3/29: Receive acceptance letter from Stern

Q.大学院や受験方法についての情報収集はどのようにして行いましたか。(Info session, OB/OG訪問、Campus Visitなど)
I went over the websites of each school and also explored secondary sources such as packages from my counselor. Something that helped was reaching out to alumni from the different schools to be able to hear first hand stories about their respective experiences. My biggest regret was not visiting the campuses before I had applied – this would be something I highly recommend for everyone to do.

Too much… T_T

I received a full scholarship that will cover tuition for two years. For personal expenses, I will slowly chip away at my savings…



・GMAT adaptive tests:  I definitely recommend taking the official GMAT adaptive tests first! There are two free ones available on their website. I also purchased a few Kaplan adaptive tests, but there were multiple questions that had answers that were simply wrong. I would recommend purchasing the GMAT Official Website ones instead.
・GMAT books:  I purchased several (Kaplan, Manhattan Prep, Barrons, etc.) but recommend to just keep practicing the problems in the GMAT Official Guidebook.
・GMAT tutoring:  At first, I was really determined to find someone who could tutor me in person in Tokyo. I went to a Kaplan trial lesson and received the resume of the Manhattan Prep tutor based in Tokyo, but wasn’t impressed with either. I ended up finding Adam Raichel through a counseling service (the service itself I didn’t end up using), and he was simply the best. His private tutoring is extremely costly, but he got my score to increase over 100 points, so I would say it was worth the investment.

<Essay & Interview>

I changed the content per essay, but the main “themes” I drew upon for interviews and essays were as follows:
Experiences: Investment banking deals, community involvement (women leadership activities), moving 14 times and studying abroad in Beijing (international background)
Personality traits: Communication skills, initiative, adaptability
Hobbies: Rock climbing


My applications were completed in a pretty short amount of time, so I chose based on Top 10-15 schools, and in an urban area.


For Stern, you just have to check a box saying that you are interested in scholarships and they will automatically consider you.

Advice and Messages

Definitely visit the schools! This is seriously my biggest regret and I think the lack of visiting undermined my chances of admission.

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